Kerala government announces pension plans for transgenders

Image courtesy: indianexpress

The Kerala government has announced pension plans for transgenders above 60 years of age.

The move comes a year after the introduction of the India’s first ever policy to protect the rights of the sexual minority group.

“The government is committed to protect the rights of all including those in the transgender community. We will introduce a pension scheme for members of the community who cross sixty years of age,” said state finance minister Thomas Issac while presenting the budget.

Although the minister has not specified the amount, this announcement should come as a relief to the sexual minority group.

According to Police Kerala has 176 registered transgenders, however, activists estimate that there are around 30,000. The Hindu reports that most of them don’t come forward fearing stigma and a social backlash.

Despite the policy, social workers say that the transgenders face a lot  discrimination.

Recently, Kochi Metro Rail Corporation Limited also announced that it would employ transgenders in departments such as housekeeping, cleaning and crowd-management.

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