Three Siblings on Directorial Debut With 52 Producers

Image courtesy: Google

Directorial debut of three siblings which is produced by staggering 52 shareholders, will fruition with the release of Malgudi Days in Malayalam box office on Friday. It will be a dream com true for the brothers  – Vinod, Vishak and Vivek.  Actors Anoop Menon and Bhama will appear as protagonists in Malgudi Days by the siblings.

Vishak, Vinod and Vivek Image courtesy: Google
Vishak, Vinod and Vivek
Image courtesy: Google

Having enormous admiration to the reel-world in their hearts, the trio decided to direct a movie after quitting their jobs. Vivek claims that they ventured out for it without even attending a course in direction or a film school. They also share immense happiness in having moral support from family and friends for their tryst with movie direction.

The brothers takes pride in saying that the script for Malgudi days was written by their father. The movie was produced by ‘V Productions’ in which 52 persons from family and friend circles have shares.

Story line of the movie revolves around a residential school in a fascinating place like Magudi that was portrayed by R K Narayan in his book Malgudi days. The brothers say that the story is based on a newspaper report that appeared in 2002. It is also learned that lead actor Anoop Menon has adopted a very different style of acting in the movie.


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