March 8th is Women’s Day. So is every other day

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‘Women, can’t live with them, can’t live without them’ said Desiderius Erasmus a Dutch scholar and philosopher priest. Several hundred years later, Oscar Wilde thoughtfully followed it up with ” Women are made to be loved, not understood”

There has been many a man who has attempted to understand the enigma that is a woman – yet, we have little to show for it. It might seem to be a good idea to take the word of Oscar Wilde, when he says it with so much conviction.
March 8th is globally celebrated as Woman’s day, in honour of the role women play in society. As per the International Women’s Day (IWD) website, this day has been observed since the early 1900s and “is a collective day of global celebration and a call for gender parity”. Many organizations take to conducting events to encourage gender equality, and corporates are encounraged to launch women-centric policies to encourage more participation of women in the workplace. Tech major Accenture, in the spirit of IWD is known to roll out several new initiatives aimed at women each year. While the whole world acknowledges what Erasmus so succintly put down years ago, each and every one of us also does so in our own little ways – be it wishing the women in our lives, showing a gesture of appreciation, or getting a then a gift.

Celebrating Women Image credit:
Celebrating Women
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There is much more awareness about IWD now, given the number of local campaigns organised and publicity that the events get. While it is necessary to laud the amazing achievements women have notched up today – from becoming billionaire CEOs to heading out to space, it is also imeprative to acknowledge the many roles they play at home. A family and a home is what forms the building block of society as we know it, and the role of women in stitching together the fabric of society is irreplaceable. From maintaining sanity levels in a house filled with kids to hosting unexpected guests at home – women never fail to astonish in situations that would leave the best of men befuddled.

There are so many day-to-day activites that would be unfamiliar domain for men. Juggling home and work, sorting out three square meals a day, managing kids 24/7, ensuring a house stays as what it is meant to be – a house, and doesn’t turn into a dump, ensuring the fridge is stocked, and not just with beer – the list could go on. Women somehow seem to be able to manage it all, and still turn out to be extra efficient at workplces too – being able to manage things well at work is probably a natural extension of the skills they employ at their homes, one would think. In addition to all of this, many women also find the time and energy to pursue interests outside of work and home – be it music, dance, yoga or art. They certainly seem to have a knack for getting things done, which is probably why former British PM Margaret Thatcher once remarked “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.”

Despite being the super-beings they are, women never really have it easy. Acclaimed novelist Joseph Conrad nailed it when he said why – “Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men ”

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