Obesity demands a change in lifestyle, and these tips can help you make them

Image source: www.iStock.com

I’m fat… really really huge. I hate the word fat. It kinda feels mean and derogatory. As though I committed a crime or something terrible! I’d rather use the word ‘obese.’ It sounds medical. Nothing makes me feel small more than when I am introduced to someone at the party or at the office. I die each time I see those raised eyebrows, my fatness makes them feel I am bizarre or eerie. ” This is the account of Mr. Ajay Saxena, a PR Manager.

What is obesity in the first place? Obesity results from excessive caloric intake, and decreased energy expenditure. It shows an immediate connection to one’s dietary habits and need for physical activity in a day.

Here are a few tips that will help you start your journey towards driving Obesity away.

Image source: www.iStock.com
Image source: www.iStock.com

Measuring Obesity
A crude population measure of obesity is the Body Mass Index (BMI).

A normal BMI score is one that falls between 18.5 and 24.9. This indicates that a person is within the normal weight range for his or her height. A BMI chart is used to categorize a person as underweight, normal, overweight, or obese.

Image source: www.iStock.com
Image source: www.iStock.com

If you know your weight and height then your BMI is just a click away.

Obesity leaves you vulnerable to diseases
Obese patients are at high risk of cardio-vascular diseases including heart attack, Type 2 diabetes, Hypertension, Stroke, Respiratory diseases etc. In women, it also affects  gynaecological functions like infertility and irregular menses. If Obesity it is not addressed at the onset it can lead to premature disability and in worst cases, death.

Image source: www.iStock.com
Image source: www.iStock.com

Get cracking and sweating
Exercises play a vital role to combat obesity. For an average adult at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity is recommended on 5 or more days a week. Activities suggested include brisk walking, cycling, climbing stairs, swimming, gardening or exercises in gyms.

Losing a small amount of weight, even 5%, has many benefits. Most people make the mistake of drastic reduction in weight. It is never a good thing. More important is maintaining the body weight at a stable range than in sharp drops or rapid spurts.

Image source: www.iStock.com
Image source: www.iStock.com

Exercises and being active throughtout the day, go hand-in-hand. Obese and overweight individuals must not slip into a sedentary lifestyle. They should try reducing the time spent sitting down before the television or the computer.

Management of diet
Going hand-in-hand with exercises is adherence to a low-fat diet.
The obese are advised a low calorie diet of 2000 calories a day. Ideal diet would include fruits, vegetables, bread, muffin, milk, cooked salmon or chicken.

Image source: www.iStock.com
Image source: www.iStock.com

More important is to avoid sweets, sugary drinks, foods rich in saturated fats and  encourage low intake of sodium (salt).

It takes a strong resolve to reduce these cravings.It’s important to keep meals simple and healthy, but not sparse.

Take a resolution against Obesity today!

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