This woman who lost her ovary due to medical malpractice is being threatened to take down petition

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This 29-year-old woman, who has lost her left tube and left ovary along with months of sleep and lakhs of money due to sheer carelessness, as she calls it, of two doctors at one of the best birthing centres in Bangalore, has been fighting a battle against such irresponsible and immoral medicos.

She recently posted a letter in citing that she has been getting threatening calls from the doctors’ lawyer asking her to take down the petition.

This gives a serious blow to our belief that doctors are regarded as next to God. They are the ones who save our lives. And if I am not wrong, they are the only ones in this entire planet who are legally allowed to wield a knife on our body, for all right reasons, except for committing blunders like forgetting the gauze inside one’s vagina post a fertility test.

Would you, given that the victim with that gauze inside her vagina who eventually lost her left ovary in a 6 hour-long life-or-death surgical operation is your acquaintance, still have the same opinion about doctors?

With due respect to medical practitioners who sacrifice their personal life to serve the mankind, should such negligence on their part be excused?

Shouldn’t they be pulled up for playing with our lives?

She wrote a letter describing her clinical ordeal so far.

Here is the post that she shared on

This petition is To ensure the medical fraternity is liable and responsible for their actions. I’m 29 years old and I love and adore children.. My husband and I never wanted to wait to start a family..and my dreams were shattered because of the negligence of doctors who played with my life. I lost healthy reproductive organs, because Dr. Uma maheshwari ( cloud nine hospitals – supposed to be one of the best for birthing and fertility in Bangalore) and Dr. Suman Singh ( Manasi clinic – BTM layout) decided to goof up during minor procedures that has ruined the best years of my life. In May 2013 I was asked by my then gynaec ( Suman singh) to get the HSG test because I hadn’t conceived naturally. I was asked to go to Cloud Nine fertility because apparently they were the best . Dr. Uma who was supposed to do my procedure didn’t even take the time to meet, inspite of me repeatedly asking to see her before they gave me the anaesthesia. Dr. Uma , left a piece of Gauze inside my vagina ,during the HSG test (hysterosalpingogram, or HSG is an important test of female fertility potential. The HSG test is a radiology procedure usually done in the radiology department of a hospital or outpatient radiology facility. It is very routine and is done within 45 minutes. It’s usually the first step before any infertility treatment is started by gynaecologists. ) She didn’t prescribe any antibiotics ( which they should) and 11 days later I had to pull it out of my vagina because it had caused a plug. The gauze was full of pus and blood and we didn’t know how that would ruin our lives in the coming months. At that time. Dr. Rita Billiangady , who is the clinic director for Cloud Nine fertility, underplayed the situation, told us that “whatever goes in will eventually come out” . They just refunded the amount for the procedure and that was it. Exactly 5 months later in January 2014 , while going in for routine scans for fertility treatments , they saw a massive infection in my left tube . We were so scared and we consulted several senior doctors who told us it was the gauze and there was no other option, but to operate . I was operated upon on July 2014 and they discovered a HAEMATOSALPHINX ( blood collection in the tube ) . This was thanks to the massive pelvic infection from the gauze. Here was where Dr. Suman Singh messed up. She didn’t remove the clipped tube during the surgery. They left the dead tissue from the tube inside itself, ( which they should because generally as per all doctors opinions, nothing dead should be left behind in the body ). My troubles did not end there. In December I contracted very high fever and had massive pain on my left lower abdomen. In my scans with Dr. Narayanan , (who was now looking after my case) a cyst was clearly visible and it was bigger than my uterus. He suspected it may be a chocolate cyst and said surgery was the only way to deal with this. On January 12th 2015 , upon opening me up , they were shocked to see that the tube, that was left behind had wrapped itself around the left ovary ( which had swollen to 3 times its size) and had become a haemorrhagic cyst bigger than my uterus at 7.5cms x 7.5 cms . There was also a lot of needle trauma from the July surgery . The surgery was life threatening surgery (6 hours) where I lost my left tube, left ovary . There was a lot of loss of blood and the cyst was on the verge of rupturing. Our doctor in plain words told my husband that “God has been kind to us and that another day and the cyst would have ruptured causing internal bleeding and eventually loss of life) I’ve had 3 surgeries , all before I could turn 29. These years should have been the best ,healthiest and fertile years of my life. I had healthy tubes , healthy ovaries which I’ve lost fully thanks to the negligence of these 2 doctors, who played around with my life. We’ve spent the last years running form pillar to post and visiting various senior doctors who were shocked when they heard about the incident with the gauze. It has also drained us emotionally mentally and financially. In India, fertility is not insured. Every surgery had to be paid from our pockets.. Surgeries mount to 1.5 lakhs to 2 lakhs on an average. It has taken a lot of courage to come out like this and bring it all out in the open, on social media, Twitter and Facebook. On the 14th of this month , we had a meeting at the same hospital , with only the two Doctors present. They made a mockery of our situation and the only thing they had to say was ” how can we help you” !!

Anyone, whether you have two ovaries or not, who wants to support her in this campaign that demands “suspension of mentioned doctors’ licences to practice, compensation for mental, physical, emotional and financial trauma and a public apology” can sign this petition here.

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