Soon, you can make your iPhone 6 Plus a nostalgic retro gaming device

Courtesy: Hyperkin

Game Boy is coming to take you to your yesteryears, a time when a black and white gaming device was a magical world.

No, not another device, but just an add-on to your latest iPhone biggie that transforms it into a retro gaming device – iPhone 6 plus with an eight-way D-pad, two action buttons, and start and select buttons.

Called the Game Boy, the device in this picture is made by Hyperkin, an independent video game hardware developer from Los Angeles.

Courtesy: Hyperkin
Courtesy: Hyperkin

Originally, the company had planned this as an April Fool’s joke, but decided to launch it as a full-fledged product for consumer release.

“We wanted to create a retro device that can be easily adapted into any modern gamer’s arsenal of devices,” said Hyperkin’s product developer, Chris Gallizzi.

According to Gallizzi, although in the early conceptual development stages the Smart Boy will fall into the classic “80s Grey” colour category, a staple of retro electronics, more colours may follow.

Right now, it’s only iPhone 6 Plus owners who can enjoy the Smart Boy. Owners of other smartphones: wait a little longer, please!