Taiwan bank hires it’s first robot employee

Image Courtesy: japantimes

Pepper is the newest employee of the SoftBank Corp, a Taiwanese bank and a life insurer and it’s job is to interact and entertain customers.

Chinese speaking Pepper has commenced its work in the Taipei branch of the bank, playing with children, dancing to music and leading staff aerobics sessions.

Pepper is reportedly a sweet talker, showering compliments to customers who come to the bank. While at it, the robot also sneaks in a sales pitch, giving customers information about  the bank’s financial products.

Pepper has also started work on Thursday (Sep 06) for Cathay Life Insurance, an arm of Cathay Financial Holding Co., which plans to deploy 10 more robots.

“Pepper’s job is to greet customers and introduce products to make the wait for services less boring,” said Rachel Wang, the insurer’s executive vice president.

“We hope it can do more in the future, but it definitely won’t replace our staff,” she said.

The robot which reportedly cost 198,000 Yun, Rs. 198,0489 approximately and is already used in Japan as a waiter, salesman and customer service representatives in close to 500 companies. This is the first

Taiwan is the first country outside of Japan in which Pepper will start to provide direct service for clients,” said Jeff Lin, a director with Perobot Co. Ltd., which oversees the sale and maintenance of the robots in Taiwan.


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