These incredible animals perform acts that are not in their genes

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They not only know how to use tools, but also how to make them. Some animals are observed to have silently learnt the art of tool-making, once limited to humans. This suggests that they are possessed  of sophisticated levels of cognition. Read how these animals have surpassed their instincts and brought about changes in their own DNA.

The chimpanzee’s use of tools

Let’s begin with one of our ancestors, the chimpanzee. See how an elder chimpanzee teaches the young how to use sticks to fish out termites from mounds. Also, see how they hit edible nuts hard on stones before eating them.

Alligators who trick birds

Earlier, we’ve seen how the green heron uses bread to catch fish. Here, we see how alligators use sticks to trick birds. As the birds are in search of sticks to build their nests, the alligators float carrying sticks on their snouts. The birds fly down for the sticks and become victims.

The octopus’s portable armour

Though regarded as dangerous, octopuses also require armour. The octopus in this video has found a unique solution to protect itself from a stalking predator – a coconut shell.

Orangutans who use water as a tool

We know how a crow can use pebbles to drink water. Here is an orangutan who uses water as a tool. The ape spits water into a tube to catch hold of floating peanuts.

How sea otters open clams

Clams are this animal’s favourite food. However, it’s difficult for the sea otter to open a tightly sealed shell with its paws. Therefore, this cute otter has found an amazing solution. Watch the video to see for yourself!