This disturbing game is speculated to have audio from actual torture videos

Image Courtesy: killthemusic

Deep Web is a dark and mysterious place, popularly accessed using the tor browser. Experts say that the web content that we generally access through google is only 4 % and the rest lies in the depths of the deep web. It has notorious reputation for being used for all sorts of criminal activities and for containing a lot of disturbing content.

The game Sad Satan which is believed to have originated from the Deep Web is a fine example of what people would call as disturbing content. You might think it contains a lot of gory stuff, but no it’s just one of those games with a surreal setting with weird noises.

The game was initially reported about by YouTube channel Obscure Horror Corner back in 2015. The game features a maze of monochromatic corridors and as you navigate through them, various audio clips are played in the background. The sounds played include Led zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven,” (speculated to contain hidden satanic messages), distorted audio clips of interviews with serial killers and loud screams.

As you start walking through the corridors, you are intermittently halted with displays of images related to child abuse and murderers. The only characters in the game are children who always remain stationary – they do not talk or perform any action.

The  owner of the youtube channel said that the game started doing freaky stuff to his computer, like every time he ran the game, a notepad with gibberish writings would appear on the desktop. Finally, he had enough and deleted the game.

There are users who claim that game has caused their computer to crash or behave sluggishly. It is also speculated that the screams in the game are of actual torture videos.

Nobody knows who created the game, but many suspect that the owner of the Obscure Horror Corner developed it himself to promote his channel. Whatever it is, the game looks extremely unsettling and it is highly advisable that you don’t go on looking for it.

There have been reports that there is a clone version of the game which is said to contain gore and child pornography.