Three Indian favourites make it to Asia’s top restaurants

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‘Best’ lists always grab attention. More so if it’s a round-up of Asia’s very best restaurants. Okay, so we aren’t quite Japan, Hong Kong or Singapore, places bristling with star-class restaurants. But Indian restaurants have managed to make their presence felt on the annual list of Asia’s Best.

Indian accent Image courtesy: facebook
Indian accent
Image courtesy: facebook

This year, the feted Indian Accent by Chef Manish Mehrotra comes in at No. 9. The restaurant is known for its take on progressive Indian cuisine and has been constantly winning fans. Indian Accent has, in fact, now gone to New York as well.

Wasabi at Taj Image courtesy: facebook
Wasabi at Taj
Image courtesy: facebook

At No 44 is Wasabi by Morimoto, the elegant Japanese restaurant at the Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai. Classic Japanese is the style here and a reliance on top quality ingredients means it maintains high gourmet standards.

Bukhara - ITC Maurya Image courtesy: facebook
Bukhara – ITC Maurya
Image courtesy: facebook

Bukhara at ITC Maurya continues to hold its place among Asia’s best.  ‘Rustic regional cuisine that’s never gone out of style,’ says the citation.

So, you know where to head this season for that splash-out celebratory meal.

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