What happens when Sheldon Cooper meets Sachin Tendulkar? A series of legendary exchanges to start with

Image courtesy: IANS/Facebook.com

One is a legendary fictional character that has made us laugh uncontrollably. The other is a legendary cricketer whose real-life feats have astonished us for nearly a quarter of a century.

Both are capable of keeping us glued to television (or computer) screens for hours. But what happens when the genius physician meets the once-in-a-generation sportsman? Something legendary, I bet.

Inspired by a recent thread on Quora, we decided to put together a list of imaginary exchanges that would occur if Sheldon Cooper and Sachin Tendulkar found themselves in the same room. Enjoy.

1. Pleasantries

Source: Prateek Suryaprakash/Quora
Source: Prateek Suryaprakash/Quora

2. Professional inquiries

Source: Akash Omer/Quora
Source: Akash Omer/Quora

3. More inquiries

Source: Hemanadhan Param Anandan/Quora
Source: Hemanadhan Param Anandan/Quora

4. Sheldon clarifies

Source: Chetan Dhadankar/Quora
Source: Chetan Dhadankar/Quora

5. The source of Sachin’s powers

Source: Akshay Nagpurkar/Quora
Source: Akshay Nagpurkar/Quora

6. And of course, some Leonard taunting

Source: Om Tendolkar/Quora
Source: Om Tendolkar/Quora

7. The god has spoken

Source: Nitin Pillai/Quora
Source: Nitin Pillai/Quora

8. Sheldon shows his ‘colours’

Source: Yedu Krishnan/Quora
Source: Yedu Krishnan/Quora

9. Sachin hits one back

Source: Nitin Pillai/Quora
Source: Nitin Pillai/Quora

10. But Sheldon prevails in the end.

Source: Pankaj Rai/Quora
Source: Pankaj Rai/Quora

Can you think of any more funny exchanges between Sachin and Sheldon? Let us know.