When you get inspired by Humans of New York, this is what happens

One football and two good hearts can bring many a smiles on glum faces.

Football fans are passionate about the teams they support, and even more passionate about the sport itself. Every hard-core soccer fan in India puts sport before everything else in life. But there’s one particular fan who is using his passion to change the lives of everyone around him.

Meet Tejas R, a psychology student, freestyle footballer and Director of Sparky Football, dedicated to, in his own words, ‘introducing the art of football into the lives of the needy, to enable them to carve an individualistic niche for themselves in the world

The video above is a great example of what he does. It is also a great example of how sport can bring people together and can be used to bring in positive social change.

You can find out more about Tejas and his footballing activities here.