China: It’s mandatory for female employees to kiss their boss in this company

Image Courtesy: Twitter

While many offices have team outings and parties to create bonding between employees, but what this Chinese brewery machinery manufacturer does is ridiculous.  The female employees in this company have to kiss their boss every morning, with the reason apparently being – “it promotes corporate culture and unites the team.”

More than half of the employees in this company in Tongzhou District, Beijing are women and they are all required to make a line at 9 am to kiss the boss. The video of this morning ritual was leaked online, prompting a major outrage.     

Even though many of the women there not too thrilled about this,they eventually give in to the demand, in order to keep their jobs. Till date, only two employees have reportedly, refused to participate and quit.

Allegedly, the head of the company had traveled to the US, where he witnessed a similar ritual being practiced in a company and wanted to adopt it with his own.

See the video below.