#SelfieWithKasa: This is how ugly we look Bangalore!

Image courtesy: facebook.com/ Selfie With Kasa

You won’t believe what this group of youngsters from Bangalore is doing to make their city filth-free! They are taking selfies with– guess what? —  heaps of garbage and posting them on the Facebook page ‘Selfie with kasa‘ (garbage) to  make  Bangaloreans realise how ugly their city looks with all the dirt scattered here and there.

Started by a tele-serial actor Rakesh Maiya, this campaign #SelfieWithKasa is spreading like bushfire.


UTTARAHALLI MAIN ROAD NEAR PADMNABHANAGAR connecting road .right next to prarthana school .its a point where all bbmp vehicles are also standing ,parking or not sure though

Posted by Selfie with kasa – ಸೆಲ್ಪೀ ವಿತ್ ಕಸ on Tuesday, December 15, 2015

So, now, you know exactly what to do when you come across any similar eyesore.

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