10 things Indians are really good at while commuting – Traffic rules, please excuse!

Source: iStock.com

Here are 10 things Indians inevitably do when they drive.

1. Traffic Lights

Source: iStock.com
Source: iStock.com

Red – Oh! F**k, Oh! F**k, I hope there are no cops

Green – It’s now or never

Yellow – The Fast and the Furious

2. Parking

Source: iStock.com
Source: iStock.com

Service lanes – Too amateur
Over crowded streets with slow moving traffic – Ideal place to park (anywhere)
No parking – Hell yeah! Who’s your daddy?

3. Overtaking – 1

Like a pro, always from the left.

Overtaking – 2

Step 1 – Keep to the extreme right
Step 2 – Honk frantically and overtake all vehicles waiting to go left
Step 3 – Get in front of vehicles wanting to go straight
Step 4 – Honk, curse, abuse, cause traffic jam and take left

4. Indicators

Source: iStock.com
Source: iStock.com

Just fancy lights that come with stock vehicles, they have no purpose whatsoever.

5. Women driving

Source: iStock.com
Source: iStock.com
  1. Aye ‘L’ board, side Hoagamma
  2. I told you that it was a chick behind the wheel

6. Pedestrians

Source: iStock.com
Source: iStock.com

The best place to cross is bang in the middle of the road when the lights are green on either side

7. Bumper tap

Your father, your mother, your sister, your uncle, your aunt… Verbally nuke the entire Khaandan.

8. Apologies for Bumper tap

Sorry boss
Too Late……………..Slap!
Wait, I’m a women.
Slap, Punch, Kick, Pull hair, Molest.

9. Sidewalks/Footpaths

Source: iStock.com
Source: iStock.com

An extended part of the road

10. Horn

Source: iStock.com
Source: iStock.com

The best alternative for verbal abuse

Well, It’s really easy to do the above mentioned 10 points, and we Indians are quite good at it. But guess what? It never was cool to not abide by the Traffic Rules, with Indian cities expanding there are going to be more vehicles on the roads, which means more chaos.

The least you could do is start by following basic rules such as lane discipline and overtaking, if there is a vehicle behind you trying to break some traffic rule, don’t let it pass.

If 40% of commuters followed traffic rules, don’t you think the remaining 60% need to know the 10 things that idiots across our country are doing wrong on the road?

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