This job profile demands candidate to watch 20 hours of porn a week and pays £2,350 as salary

Image Courtesy: dailymail

A bar in Denmark apparently has job opening, where a person will have to watch 20 hours of porn a week. With a salary package of £2,350, this could easily go into list of coolest jobs in  the world.

The Hornsleth Bar, in Aarhus, who put out an ad for this rather unique job profile, has been getting enormous responses. ‘Thousands have already responded on Facebook and email,’said founder, Kristian von Hornsleth to MailOnline.

‘Of course, there are a lot of strange people who have applied for the job. But we have gotten some serious responses as well, and we will start interviewing them shortly,” he said.

Once hired, the chosen candidate will be given the job title of Porn Jokey or PJ, similar to a  DJ. He or she will be given a private office space, a computer, tons of DVDs and log-ins to various porn sites.

Job Requirements

Must be open-minded and experienced and above 18

Applicants will be required to write an email explaining why they would be a better porn judge than anyone else.

What is the point behind this bizarre job?

“It’s part of an art installation in our toilets. I’ve put up images of famous porn stars in the toilets and with visual art you also need some kind of audio piece to integrate everything,” said Kristian.

‘We want to have at least 50-60 hours of audio from porn films. Basically sounds from the world of porn,”he added.

Basically the objective is – they want the candidate to watch lots and lots of porn and collect audio from them. The bar does not want everything to sound like the same

woman screaming and therefore it’s the porn Jokey’s job to recognize and compile unique sounds from the world of porn.  

Source:  dailymail

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